Beat the Back to School Chaos: Top Tips From Parents

Term One is just around the corner, and we get it – getting the kids up and out the door in the mornings can be chaos! So we put the call out to the Micro community for tips and tricks that they’ve found useful in making this back-to-school period run a little smoother. Here’s what our fellow parents had to say.
“We make sure that we wake up early enough so that there is NO rush and chaos, and that there’s always a good vibe all the way up to when the bell rings. No matter what, the parents needs to keep their cool, be happy and make it exciting, even if the kids throw a tantrum or whatever happens 😃 Riding to school on their Micro scooters definitely helps keep the happy mood!” — @mads.geldenhuys
“Pack lunches the night before” — @playtime_with_billie
“Getting as much organised the night before as possible, and making our kids responsible for part of the process so they’re contributing members of our household e.g. choosing their own clothes and packing their bags.” — @jessrobinson86
“I have 4 children to get out the door in the morning. They each have a flexi tub for school things prepped for the week - with reading folder, shoes, socks, uniform, school bag. Anything school related goes straight back in the tub after school so it’s easy to find for the next day. I always make lunches the night before and have them in the fridge ready for kids to pop in their bags in the morning.” — @justusjunghenns
“Get up early! Don’t think you can get ready in 20 mins 😆”
“We are all for ROUTINE! We use a Daily Orders Board that sets out the morning routine. Milla can tick everything off the list and knows what’s expected of her prior to leaving for school. Reducing the morning stress is important for a positive day!” —
“My 5 year old twins have a checklist of what they have to do in the morning. Builds independence and means I don’t have to constantly prompt them to get the things done. Uniform on! Shoes on! Breakfast eaten! Bag packed! Hair done! Teeth brushed! Bed made! Curtains open!” — @justusjunghenns
“Have a routine and stick to it. Kids love routine and predictability makes the morning run smoothly if they know what’s expected of them. I always say their time is theirs when they have done all their jobs.” — @travelwithjakey_mia
“We scooter to school using our Micro Scooters. It’s quicker and the boys enjoy it.”
“We sometimes buy them something small and cute, maybe like a small cute keyring for their bags to give to them the morning of the first day of school to take with them. That way they have something exciting to show to their new teacher or friends.” — @mads.geldenhuys
“Get organised the night before, lunch boxes made, scooters next to bags, clothes ready including shoes! Bags packed. We are a list-loving family so my big girls have lists of things they need to remember to do, and when they were younger it included things such as brush teeth. We also heavily rely on our wall planner to make sure we are ready for all the different sports for the week, as well as a weekly meal plan.” — @its_truly_the_best_nz
“Get all our clothes/uniform ready the night before and make sure we wake up early enough so that we don't have to rush! Pack what we can in the lunchboxes the night before and hope and pray that there are no tantrums before leaving the house ” — @nicoleflintsa
Scoot back to school on a Micro
Scooting isn't just a mode of transportation; it's a game-changer for stress-free school runs. Whether your little ones want to embrace independence or you fancy a family scoot, a Micro Scooter is the way to roll!
Make mornings exciting with a swift scoot to school, fostering a sense of adventure and freedom for your kids. Plus, we've got scooters for every age, so the whole family can join in on the fun!
Browse our range of kick scooters and make this school year the smoothest and most enjoyable one yet! 🛴✨