Preschoolers Development
Active Toys for Preschoolers DevelopmentÂ
Being active is a big part of toddlers and preschoolers healthy growth and development. Play is the best way to get them active, exploring, discovering and developing their skills. It’s recommended that children from 1-5 years be physically active at least three hours a day and shouldn’t be inactive for more than 1 hour at a time (AU Department of Health).Naturally preschoolers are very active and normally can’t sit still. However, more and more children are leading more sedentary lives in front of technology rather than getting outside. Having fun active things they can easily do will keep them motivated and can lead to lifelong active habits. Not only are there the obvious physical benefits but it improves social, emotional and intellectual performance too (Active everyday).
Our preschool scooters and balance bikes are great for your little ones. They're the perfect toy and tool for developing their balance, coordination and motor skills while giving them a taste of independence. Rather being restrained in a buggy or car seat travelling short distances, they can be active, learning and having fun. Use them inside on a rainy day, outside in the garden, at the park or off to preschool. They'll develop skills that will help with their performance in sports and give them the confidence to try new things.

Benefits of Preschoolers being ActiveÂ
Health Benefits
- Improves muscles growth, strength and development
- Will help them achieve a healthy weight
- Decrease risks of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
- Improves their sleeping patterns by using their energy
- Improve balance, movement and co-ordination skills which helps with future sports
- Support brain development
Social Benefits
- Helps them develop friendships by involving others in play
- Reduces anti-social behaviour from learning to get along with others
- Improved cooperation and team work skills
Emotional and Cognitive Benefits
- Increased confidence and happiness
- Improved self-esteem
- Improved concentration and management of anxiety and stress
- Increased motivation and organisational skills
- Improved learning outcomes
(Sourced from: Active Everyday)
Why a scooter is great for preschoolers development
Our Mini Micro scooters have been designed specifically with child development in mind. Their lightweight design makes it easy for them to pick up and move around. The stable 3 wheels allows the scooter to stand alone and provides the stability they need to learn. The Mini Micro helps them develop their balance as they learn to push along with one leg. It has a lean to steer function, learning to shift their weight from side to side to turn. This gives them more awareness of their body and improves coordination. The scooter helps strengthen their muscles being active and using them in new ways. Kids love the Mini Micro and it's great to see their confidence grow as learn a new skill and the more they scoot.

Why balance bikes are great for preschoolers development
Kids usually aren't ready for a bike with training wheels until they're 5+ years. A balance bike is a great way to get them started at a young age, building up their skills for the real thing. The lightweight design makes it easy to lift and with no pedals they can keep their feet on the ground as much or as little as they please. They'll gain balance and coordination skills as they learn to roll along and steer. Using a balance bike makes the transition so much easier and is the perfect first step in learning to ride a bike. Kids will love the independence and gain confidence the more they use their balance bike. It will help strengthen their muscles and bones to improve performance in playing sports when they head to school.
Read our Buying Guides to Find the Best Ride for your Child
 Find out about our different ride-on scooter options for your toddler. | |
Find out the different benefits between balance bikes and scooters. |