Micro Scooter Mums
These fun Mums aren’t afraid to get out there on an adult scooter, in fact they love it!
Their kid's passion for scooting has turned into one of their own meaning more good times together, faster trips to school and also a bit of extra time for themselves. Even leading some mums to scoot their journey to work, not to mention squeezing in a quick workout along the way.
Mumpreneur Sarah Cavalier is Editor-in-chief of MamaMag; Melbourne based parenting mag, Mum to two gorgeous kids and a Micro Mum.
What is the best thing about being a scooting Mum?
The best thing about being able to scoot with my kids is being able to share something they love with them. My kids spend most weekends up at their dad’s house, so it’s important for me to make the most of the time I have with them during the week doing fun things, otherwise ‘mum time’ becomes all about school, homework, dinner and bath time and the kids really notice that. It’s really important to them to have ‘fun-time’ with mum as well and they love the fact we can all scoot together. It also helps shows them the importance of staying active.
When do you use your scooter the most?
On the school run daily, for sure! We live 650m from my children’s primary school, so it’s the perfect way to get there every day. Our school is tightly zoned, so lots of kids walk or scoot to school. But so far I’m the only cool mum on a Micro! The other kids think I’m a bit awesome too! We also love scooting the awesome bike tracks along Bayside’s foreshore.
How has scooting made your life easier?
Last year was a juggling mix of kinder, childcare and school drop offs each day, so we always had to drive. Now my daughter has started prep this year it means both kids are in the same place each day. Scooting to school has created an important part of our daily ‘fun-time’ together and it also the easiest way to get to school anyway. No more battling for a car park! I just need to master the act of scooting with my takeaway coffee in my hand on the way back to the office!
What do your kids think about you scooting?
The kids are always a bit chuffed when I get involved in things they like doing. I guess it helps connect us all more which is really important. I used to just use an old kids scooter, which they thought was pretty cool, but now I’ve got my own adult sized one, it’s simply perfect. Although they think it’s so cool they keep trying to pinch it off me! Back off, you’ve got your own Micro’s!
What is on your bucket list for the year?
Number 1 this year is expanding my business. I want to be able to bring the MamaMag fun to mums across the whole of inner Melbourne. But I’m thrilled to be able to tick that one off now as my forth magazine, Eastside MamaMag, is launching in May! Number 2 would have to be saving up enough money to take the kids on a fun family holiday. I can’t wait to be able to create some amazing adventures and memories with my kids.
You can find out more at MamaMag.com and follow Sarah’s scooting adventures on Instagram @localmamamag
Sarah's scooter is the Micro Classic adult scooter in White.
Ansa became one of our Micro Mums after purchasing a customised Flex+ Matte Black from the Micro HQ to keep up with her 4 year old.
How has scooting made your life easier?
Getting out the door with a 4 year old and a baby isn't always easy, but my eldest loves zipping about on her Mini Micro & bubs loves riding up on my back in the carrier. Now that I have my scooter, trips to kindy, the shops or the library are a breeze - so much quicker and much more fun for all of us!
Why did you choose Micro?
My daughter has had her Mini Micro since she was 2.5 years old. It has been such a great first scooter - so well designed, easy for her to manoeuvre and a fantastic quality product. When I looked online, I saw the amazing range of adult Micro scooters available. I read lots of great reviews & so it seemed like a no-brainer to go with a Micro.
How do you find scooting as a form of transport?
I'm a big advocate for sustainable transport, and our family does a lot of walking and uses public transport whenever possible. To get to work, I have a 15 minute walk, a bus ride and another short walk. I can now scoot to the bus stop in half the time and can easily take my scooter on and off the bus. It's enjoyable and gives me a bit of a work out too!
What do your kids think about you scooting?
My eldest loves that I have a scooter. I hear her asking her friends, "does your mummy have a scooter? My mummy has one. It's not a kid's scooter, it's a mummy scooter!" I think she's pretty chuffed that it's something we can do together.
What are your favourite activities to do with your family?
We love to get outdoors, heading to playgrounds, the zoo, the beach or visiting friends. We are lucky living in Wellington that so many things are in easy walking and scooting distance.
Micro Mum Maria purchased a kickboard original to keep up with the kids. She told us scooting has been great help in strengthening her muscles after recent knee surgery. Scooting isn't only a great way to have fun with the kids but it gets you fit too.
What made you want to try a scooter?
My children saw the adult scooters on your website last year and as they have Micro Scooters, thought it would be fantastic for me to have one too. So I got one for my birthday last year.
Why did you choose Micro?
My children started with Mini Micro scooters and now have Maxi Micro scooters. I love the sturdiness and excellent quality of the Micro brand. My scooter has a great design, I love the wood with the aluminium finish.
How has scooting made your life easier?
As my daughter is no longer using a pram , she scoots everywhere and scooting is much nicer for me than having to run beside her. The school run is much better for me rather than having to walk/run behind my son.What do your kids think about you scooting?
My children love me scooting with them, their friends are envious because their parents don't scoot!To parents hesitant about getting a scooter, what would you say?
At first you may feel a little unbalanced but you will pick it up very quickly! And your children will be so proud that you are doing it.
Micro Mum Catherine and son Ruairidh are the perfect pair scooting around town on their much loved three wheeled scooters.
What is the best thing about a Micro Mum?
We don't drive (neither myself nor my husband) so my boy has to walk or scoot everywhere. Thankfully, scooting makes getting from A-B a fun game, rather than a chore.
How has scooting made your life easier?
SPEED! Scooting back from school or an activity is soooooo much easier than dragging a tired wee boy all the way.
Why did you choose Micro?
Without fail, when asking friends to recommend a brand of scooter, Micro was the answer. Pus they have the three wheel option, which both my son and I prefer.
When do you use your scooter the most?
Scooting is our transport of choice, so if we have to go somewhere, we generally scoot. They are also easy to take with us on public transport if needed, unlike bikes.
What is your best piece of advice for Mums?
Micro scooters are easy to use, easy to transport, easy to commute with and an easy way to keep fit.
Jana is a Micro Mum, Mumpreneur and our Mother’s Day Model.
What made you want to try a scooter?
Having a very busy life I wanted to be able to keep up with my little man on kindy runs as well as get between meetings fast without having to find a park in Wellington CBD. So I found my Flex+ in Matte Black perfect.
When do you use your scooter the most?
Drop offs and pick up to Kindy and on the weekends with the family. My 3 year old loves that we can all do something together.
How does your Micro scooter benefit you?
The best thing about having a scooter for myself is the quality time I get to spend with my son, we have so much fun when we are out and about together on our scooters. Also makes my business life so much easier being able to scooter around town and not having to keep finding and paying for parks.
Where is your favourite place to scoot?
Wellington waterfront. On a good day you can't beat it.
What is on your bucket list for the year?
I have a clothing business and I hope that my company George Henry Clothing keeps growing into a successful business with lots of new products and exciting things for all ages. I love the adventure I’ve had this past year so lets hope the next year is as fun.
You can find out more at georgehenryclothing.com and follow Jana on Instagram @georgehenryclothing
Jana's scooter is the Micro Flex+ adult scooter in black.
Meet Super Micro Scooter Mum and Mother's Day Model Sarah.
What is the best thing about being a scooting Mum?
My Micro Scooter gets me to work from the train station and back again cutting my commute time in half, giving me more time with my family. You can't beat that. It's also a fun, healthy and efficient way to get around town for meetings, or appointments.
What do your kids think about you scooting?
At first they couldn't get over the fact that I could actually scoot, let alone beat them in races. They love the fact that we can all scoot together as a family.
How has scooting as a family been beneficial?
It's fun times when we all get out on our scooters, and safer now that my husband and I can keep up with the kids. There is a scooter for all ages and it's a great way to enjoy the outdoors together.
Where is your favourite place to scoot?
Wellington's waterfront is superb for a family scoot. Especially on Sunday mornings for the markets.
To parents hesitant about getting a scooter, what would you say?
Get amongst it, and keep up with the kids.
We overheard Viv saying her Micro White was the "Best Mother's Day present ever" while she was in Micro HQ with her son Matt.
Viv is one of the original Micro Mums and got her Micro White for Mother's day a few years ago. People would stare in those days, not used to seeing Mums scooting, and she still turns heads (although we think she does whether she's on a scooter or not).
A friend introduced her to the idea and once the two of them had scooters they would regularly scoot around the bays together in the morning for exercise then stop at their favourite cafe for a coffee and scoot back home again. Sounds like a perfect morning to us.
Living right in the heart of the city, Viv finds her Micro White perfect for getting around town and having fun with her lovely boy.
Meet Micro Mum Meghan and daughter Zoe who we caught up with on one of their regular scooter outings.
They scoot most days from Karori down to Wellington CBD where Meghan drops off the kids at school and continues the scoot to her office. Meghan has the Micro Black which is perfect for her 7km commute and storage at work.
They are big advocates for sustainable transport which makes sense since Meghan's husband is a MP for the Green Party. Zoe was very excited to tell us that the new Renault electric car was called Zoe, but she was named first of course.
Dad has been using their scooters all the time and we think it’s time he got one of his own to join in on their scooting adventures. Zoe scoots so much she reckons she should be the poster child for Micro and we’re sure she’d be a great one.
Bee was the winner of our Mum and Me competition and has a Micro for each member of the family. Her scooter of choice is the Micro Classic adult scooter in black.
How has scooting as a family been beneficial?
It’s keeping us active! It has also allowed us to explore various places having fun and in style.
Why did you choose Micro?
I was drawn to the amazing design of the Micro Mini which allows the little ones to learn to scoot and balance from a young age. It’s practical and stylish.
When do you use your scooter the most?
School runs and out about visiting areas where it is safe to scoot.
To parents hesitant about getting a scooter, what would you say?
Jump onto one and you’ll most likely love to get one for yourself!
Micro Scooter Mum Melanie "loves being a fit and healthy mum" of three gorgeous girls. "I believe that strength doesn't come from what you can do its overcoming the things you thought you couldn't".
What made you want to try a scooter?
I wanted to have fun with my girls and be able to do an activity all together while being outside and exercising! It is so easy to put the scooters in the back of the car and go anywhere with them.
Why did you choose Micro?
Micro looked like such a fabulous design for young kids while also being sturdy and safe, especially for my little toddler
What do your kids think about you scooting?
My girls know that I'm a big kid at heart, so scooting with them gives us better bonding and allows us to enjoy an activity all together which can be hard to do when you have younger children.
What is the best thing about being a scooting mum?
The coolest mum ever ha ha and of course having a lot more fun then just walking and being left behind.
What is on your bucket list for the year?
Buy a micro scooter for my daughters dad because unfortunately he doesn't have one and is left out!
Melanie goes scooting with her girls on the Speed+ in Mint.

Meet Micro Mum Dianne and lovely her daughters Jacqueline and Natasha.
What made you want to try a scooter?
The girls have had scooters since they started walking and it looked so much fun - so I thought I'd get one too. We scoot pretty much everywhere we can, fresh air and exercise you can't go wrong!
Why did you choose the Micro Floral Grey?
I LOVE the pattern on the Micro Floral Grey plus it's pretty cool for a Mumma bear.
What do your kids think about you scooting?
The girls absolutely love how I scoot with them and love going to different places and just letting loose!
Where is your favourite place to scoot?
Our favourite spots to scoot are along the Maribynong or St Kilda Beach.
What is your best piece of advice for Mums?
You are never too old to scoot! It’s a great way to bond with your kids and keep active.
As Mother's Day approaches, we've started thinking about all the lovely Mums we meet who want to start scooting with their kids.
They're all unique and amazing women but they have a couple of things in common - a desire to keep up with their children, and an excitement at how much their children will love scooting with them.
So we've started keeping in touch with these Micro Mums, finding out how life is going now they've started scooting, what the kids think about it, what their advice would be to other Mums who are thinking about scooting, where they like to scoot, and what the best thing about being a Micro Mum is.
"My eldest loves that I have a scooter. I hear her asking her friends, "does your mummy have a scooter? My mummy has one. It's not a kid's scooter, it's a mummy scooter! I think she's pretty chuffed that it's something we can do together."
"The best thing about having a scooter for myself is the quality time I get to spend with my son, we have so much fun when we are out and about together on our scooters."
"My Micro Scooter gets me to work from the train station and back again cutting my commute time in half, giving me more time with my family. "
Introducing our Micro Ambassadors
Say a big hello to our amazing Micro Ambassadors! They’ve joined the Micro Team as they love to scoot the school run, commute, and keep up with the kids (and their fitness!). Each of them have a lot of love for Micro in their everyday life and enjoy the family fun and adventures that both adults and kids scooters bring.
If you think you’d like to be part of the team don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Hello Brook
Wife, Mama of 3 and Staffy Lover. Our tribe owns 7 Micro Scooters now. I’m big on getting the family active as much as I can and Micro Scooters makes this achievable while being so much fun! We all love our Micros, even our Staffies!
Brook has a Micro White
Hello Milou
My little ones Ivy (4) and Ty (almost 2) are obsessed with their scooters and I love scootering myself so I can finally keep up with them!
Hello Emily
Scootering has now become life, but it’s super fun and active, so I don’t mind. We generally finish the day with a scooter ride, scooter to school and the shops and we hang out at the pump track and skate park on weekends in sunny Port Douglas!
Hello Kerry
I have two daughters Carys (5) Vienna (4) who love their Micro scooters. I am super excited to be able to join in on all the scootering fun this summer (if I can get their dad off it!)
Hello Nikki
I am mumma to Cooper (4) and Matilda (almost 2). Cooper has had a mini micro since he was 2 and they are by far my favourite scooters! I just bought Hubby one for Father’s Day (mostly because I wanted one).